Dancer Eva Ingemarsson

Dancer Eva Ingemarsson

Eva and the aErial cube

We met by coincidence. I was thinking out loud about my artistic intentions within the Aerial Cube project with a friend who later let our roads cross in May 2015. With Eva, artistic director at Atalante, the experimental dance scene of Gothenburg,  I found a context to scale up my Aerial Cube for a whole body to wear. Eva and I have a common interest in body and object.

Our first meetings we explored the Aerial Cube by filming, photographing and reflecting over Evas interaction with it. The Aerial Cub is vertiginous and falling apart. Once in a while I felt strongly affected in the middle of our work. When my iron cube is transferred by Evas conscious body into a warm and comforting blanket, covering her on the studio floor. In that moment something I thought I knew suddenly shifts and I feel nurtured and a deep meaning with everything.

It becomes a mirror of what I carry with me. The reception, where it gets so open it could be my thoughts. A vehicle.
— Eva

For the HDK Exam show 2016 I put together a slide show of Eva and the Aerial Cube. The photos faded into each other creating a slow motion. I liked this expression. The winter of 2017 we continued working with the Aerial Cube with light, sound and composition. Our work is now turning into a scene show to be put up in January 2018 on the Atalante stage.

Read the review article from Göteborg Posten

Watch the "Aerial Cube / Concrete" dance show video

Visit Eva Ingemarsson Dansproduktion homepage

Visit Atalante website